ExEn Home Stretch(y-Arms)
The ExEn project has been a huge success so far, raising $8224 towards its $10000 funding target. So there are just three weeks remaining and $1776 left to go.
I’ve done up a little video to go along with this post:
Basically I’d like to thank everyone who has helped out so far by contributing and by helping with promotion.
I’m also making my game Light Blocks FREE on the App Store for the next three weeks, to promote ExEn and so you can try out an example of ExEn running on multiple platforms.
And I’m putting up a new version of Captain Stretchy-Arms. As always here is the XNA version. But also for the first time I am posting a Silverlight version, below. And you can see it running on both iPhone and iPad towards the end of the above video.
(Note that Captain Stretchy-Arms is still a work in progress. This means the Silverlight download is a bit big at 6MB. Also the “blueprint buttons” don’t work.)
So if this kind of cross-platform magic is something that you’re interested in, you should check out and help fund the ExEn project.
We’re nearly there!
Andy, you rock!!! we’r almost there!!!