EDIT: October 7th: “Let’s Examine” has been cancelled. Full details in the next DevLog episode (October 14th). Original post follows:


Announcement video.

At the moment I post a fortnightly DevLog for Stick Ninjas. I’d like to be able to post videos more often, but it can be tricky getting enough visual content Dev’d, to be Log’d weekly.

So I’ve been coming up with ideas for fortnightly videos I can do, to slot in between my DevLog videos. And what I came up with is the idea of “Let’s Examine…” videos. The idea is to be something kind of like a “Let’s Play”, but with more of a focus on picking apart the game design and implementation.

So far I have scripts put together for videos on Kerbal Space Program, Gnomoria and Spelunky. If these videos go well, I’ll continue with the series.

Wish me luck 🙂