Stick Ninjas DevLog 6: Networking
Posted Wednesday 11 July 2012 to Stick Ninjas | 1 Comment on Stick Ninjas DevLog 6: Networking
In today’s Stick Ninjas DevLog, I talk about the two network testing prototypes that I’ve built.
In today’s Stick Ninjas DevLog, I talk about the two network testing prototypes that I’ve built.
Hi there! You may be wondering why it says “Games by Andrew Russell”.
I used to make computer games. But now I make music software. Check it out!
And please forgive past-Andrew for making this section header a hard-coded static image. The web was a very different place, back when I made this template.
Matt Bettcher
I really enjoy watching your devlog and look forward to playing stick ninjas. You inspire me to spend time on debug rendering as it seems like a great method of quickly figuring out whats wrong. Please keep up the good work!